The Eternal Wellness Show (TEWS) is a magazine-style, investigative television series that takes our weekly viewers through the world of western traditional and alternative approaches to health and wellness and into the unexplained mystical world of the metaphysical.
Each episode features a weekly theme that unites the three key principals that establish the eternal wellness of our Mind, Body and Spirit. Within these principals our hosts will present a dazzling parade of probing themes, controversial topics, alternative viewpoints, beautiful locations and a sprinkle of "live" world performances.
Moving seamlessly from studio-based 'stand ups' and guest interviews, to various local and remote locations, our show will help unravel the information maze of today's hot topics all within the realm of Mind, Body and Spirit.
This inspirational 26 part series will regularly follow real people through their personal struggles, successes, and transformations as they strive to live in, and understand the realities that encompass the Mind, Body and Spirit.